miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


Pasaden ostegunean, martxoak 17, Lapueblara joan ginen DBH3 eta DBH4ko ikasleak bertako ikasleekin herri kirol desberdinekin gozatzera. Gure Endika izan zen topaketa honen dinamizatzailea. Primeran pasa genuen.
El pasado jueves, 17 de marzo, los alumnos de DBH3 y DBH4 fuimos a Lapuebla para practicar diferentes herri kirolak junto con los alumnos de Lapuebla. Endika fue el dinamizador de este encuentro. Nos lo pasamos muy bien.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011


Yesterday we read in a local newspaper that they are going to build an artificial beach in Oion.
Some people said that this is impossible but the responsibles of this beach said "impossible is nothing". The ADIDAS
clothes brand denounced them because this sentence is register by them.
Maybe soon
we'll have a new beach in Oion.


Julen Teberio is the champion of pelota. He is from Oion and his parents are Jose and Marian. Julen is a very important sports man. He won/beat Juan Martinez de Irujo 22-01. When Julen was 10 years old he played a teenager who was 15 yers old.

Yesterday, in the zoo of Oion a mammoth was born.
The mammoth weighed 100kg and was female.
The miracle was when an elephant and a wild boar had sex.
It was very beautiful and incredible a mammoth born from a female elephant and a male wild boar.
People from all over the word are at the zoo looking at the mammoth.

But was this true?

By:Nekane Nuñez


One Tuesday morning many years ago the fear appeared in Oyon for the first time in a little town with 3.000 habitants. The story described a disaster at Central Park, wolves invaded town and go hunting humans for food. More than 70 people were already dead and the police were expecting the number to increase during the night.. But was this the truth? did really write story because he feared for the safety of the Oions people.


On the 1st April of 2006, a very strange piece of news appeared on the front page of The New York Times. The article said that many well-know scientists discovered that an enormous meteorite was going to crash into Earth, like when the Dinosaurs were extinct, but then the meteorite was medium size. They said that it would crash on Tuesday 13th April, the year's bad luck day and more or less above New York city.
The scientists spread an announcement all over the city by newspapers, television, radio... The announcement said that it would be necessary to empty the city and the surroundings and that it should be really fast.
Most of people in NY tried to run away but at outlying district were many police agents an told the people that everything was just a hoax. Many people denounced television and radio programmes and newspapers!


Lionel Messi is going to retire of football because he has a child with a bitch and he have to look after the child because the bitch don't have money, he said that he needed to stay with the child.


On Monday morning we knew that Janire had a new job : Janire was taken by La Sexta television channel to work at Se Lo Que Hiciesteis... television program. Janire is going to do street reports and she is going to present a program because Patricia Conde has became Juelen Teberio's girlfriend and she has gone to live to Oion to Julens Teberios house and they planning have 10 children but they have two children.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Hiesaren hitzaldia

Gaur, lehenengo bi orduetan hitzaldi bat izan dugu. SIDALAVA elkartetik etorri da Mikel Resa eta taller bezalako hitzaldi bat eman digu, hitzaldian gauzak asko ikasi ditugu hiesa eta antisorgailuei burzuko informazio eman digu eta ere ekarri dizkugu antisorgailu batzuk nolakoak diren ikusteko, oso interesgarria izan da eta Mikel oso dibertigarria egin du, gainera asko ikasi dugu.

EGILEAK: Ekaitz eta Eder